Development of new transition metal complexes for their use in sustainable catalytic processes and as antitumoral agents
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In this thesis we present the synthesis and characterization of different
types of ruthenium complexes containing N-donor ligands together with
monodentate ligands, along with their complete characterization through
spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. The complexes have been
evaluated as catalysts for olefin epoxidation and nitrile hydration in
homogeneous phase. On the other hand, taking into account the importance and
advantages of the heterogeneous catalysis, we have carried out the
immobilization of some of these complexes on silica-type supports and
magnetic nanoparticles and we have evaluated their catalytic activity,
comparing them with the analogous homogeneous systems, and have been reused
for several runs maintaining high values of selectivity for the epoxide. Some
of the complexes together with other complexes previously synthesized in our
research group, have been tested as antitumoral agents
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