A mechano-perfusion bioreactor for tissue engineering
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Tissue Engineering plays a vital role in tissue construct to repair, maintain
or replace tissues. Those tissues can be cultivated in vivo or in vitro using
devices such as bioreactors. There are several approaches to create the
necessary tissues, but one of the most popular and successful is by using
scaffold constructs to provide the required stability and support. After the
cells being implanted on the scaffolds, they are then inserted in the
Those bioreactors seek to mimic the conditions provided to cells by the human
body. This issue by itself presents several challenges where it is required,
to bioreactors, besides the optimum environment in terms of temperature,
nutrients, the creation of the necessary stimulus to cells to differentiate
and proliferate.
In this work, is presented a novel concept of bioreactor for Tissue
Engineering that can provide multiples stimulus when cultivating the tissue.
To achieve an optimised design was performed several numerical simulations to
access the best design parameters. For this, it was taken into account
several variables such as fluid velocity, the proximity of the inlet/outlet
to the scaffold, directions of the fluid and the impact of the liquid on the
scaffold and subsequently the cells by analysing the wall shear stress
provoked by the fluid flow
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