Gamificació de l'aprenentatge a la formació inicial de mestres. Reptes, pistes i claus per a desbloquejar metodologies
Texto Completo
The research is focused on applying the gamification methodology to a subject of the mention in ICT to answer the question of whether it can be a suitable methodology to be used in the initial training of teachers.
Innovating in the initial training of teachers will allow the learning of students, both curricular, methodological and transversal skills, to reach the teaching centers and that may lead to a change in the education system.
It can be concluded that gamification is a good methodology because it has improved the motivation of the students and also their academic performance.
The research has given us an insight into what it means to gamify learning, what methodological changes it implies to apply gamification in teaching, what are the conditions that make gamification possible and how Moodle resources can be used to promote the design of gamified learning experiences.
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