La perspectiva de género en el proceso penal ¿Refutación? de algunas conjeturas sostenidas en el trabajo de Ramírez Ortiz "El testimonio de la víctima en el proceso penal desde la perspectiva de género"

Fuentes Soriano, Olga
The present paper does not intend to refute –in the strict sense– the theses held in the research work of Ramírez Ortiz, «Single victim’s testimony and gender perspective in the criminal procedure». The purpose is to introduce some nuances that explain the role that the gender perspective will play not only in the whole criminal process but, specifically, in relation to the uncorroborated single testimony. I agree with the author of reference that the gender perspective cannot fill situations of evident insufficiency –like the uncorroborated single testimony– but there are many other contributions that can be incorporated into the assessment of this testimony. In fact, as it will be held, the gender perspective applied to the assessment of the victim’s testimony and to the corroboration of certain of its peripheral elements, will prevent a large number of uncorroborated single testimonies, which conclude in acquita ​
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