Jóvenes conectados: una aproximación al ocio digital de los jóvenes españoles
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The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the Internet has transformed the way in
which young people experience and enjoy their leisure, giving rise to the impulse of digital leisure proper to network
On the basis of a literature review of the main studies carried
out so far in leisure, youth and ICT, this article analyzes the
leisure practices of Spanish young people. Young born in
digital era, surrounded by screens and who acquire distinguishing characteristics of their parents and teachers.
Multitasking, online, prosumers, social and mobile young
people who embrace digital tools as fundamental in their
leisure activities primarily related to socialization and
entertainment. In this sense, it can be concluded that the young people leisure is characterized by, on the one hand, a social digital leisure in the predominant use of virtual social networks, on the
other hand, a mobile digital leisure possible by connectivity
limits provided by the smartphone and, finally, a ludic digital
leisure linked to the use of video games. However, from the
viewpoint of humanistic leisure, this article addresses the
existing gap between this approach and the commercial vision
of the measurement reports of leisure