Burnout: la síndrome de desgast professional a la unitat d'hospitalització oncològica
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Background: The burnout syndrome has negative consequences that influence
the well-being of health care professionals as well as patients and healthcare
institutions. The oncology unit becomes a high-risk space for developing the
phenomenon due to the healthcare complexity for the oncological disease, the
high risk of mortality and the high frequency of ethical dilemmas attributed.
Objective: To know the prevalence of the burnout syndrome in the health care
professionals of the oncological unit of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) of
Girona stratifying it according to sociodemographic and occupation
characteristics. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study that is
carried out in a transversal way in the unit of hospitalization of medicine in Girona
through two questionnaires. One included sociodemographic and occupational
variables and the other one was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) which has
22 items to help the detection of the syndrome. The relationships between the
variables were analysed in relation to the obtained scores and levels of burnout
through statistical tests. The study was previously approved by the Ethical
Committee for Clinical Research (CEIC) of the Josep Trueta’s University
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