Relació de l’IMC amb els determinants sociodemogràfics, els estils de vida i l’estat de salut en la gent gran
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Introduction: ageing is a process where changes occur at different levels such
as physical, psychological and social, which can affect the nutritional status of
older people and have an impact on their quality of life. For this reason it is
necessary to investigate the needs and resources of the elderly in order to
promote an active and healthy ageing.
Objective: to know the relation between BMI and sociodemographic
determinants, lifestyle and health status in individuals aged 50 and over in the
province of Girona; to describe the differences in the nutritional status of the
elderly according to sex and age group.
Methodology: this was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The data analyzed
were obtained from the Maturity and Satisfactory Ageing in Girona (MESGI50)
study from wave 5 in 2013 linked to the Survey of Health, Ageing and
Retirement in Europe (SHARE) study. BMI was the dependent variable, and
sociodemographic determinants, lifestyles and health status the independent
variables. Binary and multivariate logistic regression models were used. Data
were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 22