Els sistemes dunars de la costa catalana. Evolució històrica, estat actual i potencial de restauració

Garcia-Lozano, Carla
Human developed coasts in Catalonia show a high-degraded dune landscape. Along the last decades, dunes have disappeared from 60% of the beaches studied, whereas 30% of dunes have been reduced in extension, and only 10% have suffered fewer changes.Currently, more than 800 beaches compose the Catalan shoreline of which only 127 host some type of dune morphology. Regardless of their volume and extension, the Catalan coastal dunes reflect, in general, an advanced status of degradation related to the lack of management focused on maintaining and restoring dune morphologies. The application of the indexes proposed in this Thesis allowed to classify beaches of Catalonia in three groups according to the most suitable management measures: dune conservation, dune restoration, dune recovery and renaturalization of the dry beach. The results verify that the most part of studied beaches presents higher values in dune restoration potential index. ​
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