Avaluació de l’aplicació del model transcultural en les cures infermeres en l’atenció primària: projecte de recerca
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Health and illness should be understood as a sociocultural construction that is
the product of social interactions and cultural beliefs of people. The World Health
Organization and the Department of Health of Catalonia defend an attention
based on the person whose principles are ethics, dignity and autonomy, as well
as their empowerment. Positioning the person in the center of attention implies
changing ways of working and interacting with the people attended. The current
models of management of the care propose an approach to the most subjective
aspects inherent in the disease which condition the response that the person
develops before the same. Currently, in Spain, the Transcultural Nursing model
seems to be still weakly implemented. Being a culturally competent professional
means having the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to offer the best
cultural care to identify the individual and collective needs of health.
Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge and application of Transcultural Nursing
model in Girona's primary center to ensure the comprehensive care of users of
the healthcare system.
Material and methodes: Observational project study, descriptive, quantitative
and cross-sectional type that will be carried out during the years 2019-2020, is
proposed. The study population consists on the nursing professionals of the
primary care centers of Girona city and the people who are attended and who
have a different culture to the nursing professionals. To select the sample, in the
first group a simple random probabilistic sampling type will be carried out, and for
the people attended, a convenience sampling will be used after its identification
by the health professionals. As data collection tools, two ad-hoc questionnaires
will be used based on an exhaustive bibliographic review and the SPSS program
will be used for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data