Percepció infermera sobre l'eConsulta: projecte finalitzat
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La Meva Salut (LMS) is a personal digitalspace for consultations and relations that allows
citizens to have their personal health information and other online services to carry out
procedures, consult and take care of their health .
The eConsulta is a non-contact communication tool between the citizen and the health
professional which allows to create a safe dialogue with the aim of addressing various
demands of the patient, without the need to share space and time with the health
The objective of the project was to know about the perception of the utility of eConsulta
by nurses.
The qualitative and quantitative methodologies were combined. The quantitative
methodology was carried out through a descriptive observational study on the utility of
the eConsulta application, and the qualitative methodology through a focal group. The
study population were the nurses of the Basic Health Area (ABS) of Cassà de la Selva and
the Basic Health Area of Anglès. The study variables were organized in 2 sections:
sociodemographic variables and variables related to eConsulta. Data analysis was
performed using frequency descriptors, expressed as percentages, averages, dispersion
measures: Typical deviation, minimum and maximum values, and descriptive statistics
expressed as frequency and percentage. Bivariate analysis was performed using non-
parametric tests: Kruskall-Wallis test and the Pearson Chi square coefficient.
The sample included 28 nurses, 100% were women with an average age of 43'7 years.
Older nurses, those with more years of work experience and who worked in the CAP of
Anglès were the ones that most positively valued the usefulness of the co-financing,
with a median of x = of 4 ± 0'6 points (range 1-5). 96% of nurses said that they had
knowledge of eConsulta, and only 4% said they did not know the application. The patient
profiles that nurses considered that could benefit more from the eConsulta were: those
adults who have doubts about the medication plan and doubts about the child's
pediatric diet. 47.8 of adult nurses and 100% of pediatric nurses declared to have used
Health Communication and Information Technologies.
Nurses positively value the utility of the eConsult application, but do not have enough
knowledge to carry it out in practice routinely during their working day. They consider
several possible profiles of patients who could use the eConsult, but all agree that the
pediatric patient profile would be the one that would benefit the most. More
information and training are needed for professionals and users to achieve a higher rate
of use of eConsulta