Experiència en la utilització de la pilota de part durant la dilatació: la pilota de part com a mètode no farmacològic per la vivència positiva del part: treball finalitzat

Martínez Millán, Eva
Introduction: The birth is an unique and personal experience that implies changes in the body of women to give birth, this physiological changes cause pain. To have a positive part experience the control of pain is important for the women, so as a nurses we have to know the methods to reduce this pain. The birth ball is a tool that has proved its effectiveness to reduce pain and achieve women's comfort because implies vertical positions. Objective: Describe the experience of the use of the birth ball during the period of women's dilation, as well as knowing the opinion of women in relation to pain management and their feelings and perceptions. Methodology: Qualitative phenomenological study. During the month of March 2019, 5 in- depth interviews were carried out on mothers who have used the birth ball during the dilation of their part. These women were admitted to the maternity unit of the Doctor Josep Trueta University hospital. The interviews were recorded in audio for later analysis. The selection of the sample is of convenience. Ethical considerations: During the entire study process, the confidentiality of mothers has been guaranteed as well as the anonymity of their data. Data analysis: An analysis of the speech has been performed with the transcription of the audio, its coding, its grouping in families and the subsequent categorization. Results: 5 mothers have been interviewed. The supporting ball helps maternal well-being because it produces a physiological adaptation of the body changes, helps to relax the muscles and foetal attachment. In addition, it distracts the woman and helps them to reduce pain. It is a tool that helps to live the experience of childbirth and generates happiness. Nursing support is valued very positively by women and the information provided encourage them to want to use the ball. Conclusions: The ball is an economical and practical tool that allows a positive birth experience. The participants in the study argue that the ball helps them to relax, to work, to mobilize the pelvis, to feel more participatory in the birth of their child and to reduce pain. All previous achieves welfare maternal ​
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