Validación de contenido y constructo del diagnóstico de enfermería de violencia de género: proyecto de investigación

Goicoechea Irigaray, Joseba
Introduction: Gender-based violence is considered any act which has physics, psychological and sexual consequences in women from the existing inequeality between men and women. In the last 15 years, in Spain, almost 1000 women have been killed because of this, being considered one of the most important public health problems. The health sector, and more specifically, primary care is one of the gates of help that a woman uses after suffering gender-based violence. That is why health professionals must be aware about the gravity of the matter and prepared for the possible approach of a case. However, reality shows that it is much work to do. It is a low detected problem because of different reasons, such as poor training, awareness or lack of clear tools. Therefore, gender-guided violence nursing diagnosis is necessary, where there are clear guidelines for this approach. This way will encourage primary prevention and early detection. Objectives: To carry out the first phase of the validation of diagnosis of nursing of gender violence. Material and methods: it is a cross-sectional pilot study consisting of two phases: the first is qualitative and the second one is quantitative. The first phase is performed in the basic health area (ABS) of Girona city, selecting 10 participants who will create the defining characteristics. Subsequently, using the method Fhering is carried out quantitative phase choosing 20 nurses in the remaining basic areas of health and 10 experts from universities. For the selection of staff, and AD-HOC survey will be provided ​
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