Unitat de cures intensives amb visites obertes: perspectiva del pacient, dels familiars i de les infermeres: revisió bibliogràfica
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Background: Intensive Care Units in Spain have a very restrictive visiting policy
and an information at specific times only once a day, except if there are important
changes in the evolution of the critical patient. There have been many attempts
to make them opener with more flexible visiting hours and with greater
participation of families. Nursing care is very important for these patients, in which
the psycho-socio-cultural, spiritual and emotional components that condition and
participate in the serious situation of the patient should not be ignored. More and
more, the needs of relatives and patients are taken into account and it is
attempted to implement an open visiting policy in these units.
Aim: Bibliographic Review. Databases which have been consulted are PubMed
CINAHL and Cuiden and the metasearch engine Tripdatabase during December
of 2018. A total of 16 articles published in the mentioned databases which met
the inclusion criteria were selected.
Results: 16 articles have been included in the review. There are a wide variety
of article designs: 3 prospective studies, 4 descriptive studies, 3 qualitative
studies, 1 quantitative study, 1 quantitative and qualitative study, 1 bibliographic
review, 1 systematic review and meta-analysis, 1 critical review and 1 theoretical
reflective study.
Conclusions: The results obtained have determined that the belief of a part of
nurses have not got scientific evidence and that relatives and patients are more
satisfied with an open visiting policy. On one hand, it benefits the patient
decreasing the risk of delirium and anxiety. Family members can participate in
the patient's care and improve the interaction with doctors. Therefore, it increases
their satisfaction. As for nurses, an open visiting policy would also be beneficial
to them, although most of them oppose to this model. Nurses would be satisfied
if they received information and education to feel prepared. With guidelines that
indicate how to educate and manage conflicts with relatives and patients, it would
reduce their stress