Dossier sobre la integració europea: especial referència al Brexit i l'estat de dret
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This dossier takes a systematic look at the most recent works and most relevant resources regarding two aspects of the
current state of European integration. Two questions have been chosen on the grounds of their current relevance and
specific characteristics. Firstly, the so-called Brexit process and the implications on activating Article 50 of the TEU
for the first time, with the specific situations and problems that this brings about, particularly considering that it has
been triggered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, given the situation between the Republic
of Ireland and Northern Ireland. And secondly, the possible violations of the rule of law by Hungary and Poland,
which have led, also for the first time, to activation of the EU rule of law framework and triggering of the preventive
mechanism of Article 7 of the TEU, together with actions for breach of obligations. In this dossier, these two challenges
have been classified separately, also dealing with the two countries separately in the section on the rule of law