Functional studies of Neolithic stone axes and adzes: experimental program and archaeological applications = Estudios funcionales de hachas y azuelas de piedra neolíticas: programa experimental y aplicaciones metodológicas
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This paper reports the results of a series of recent experiments in which stone adzes
and axes were used in woodworking, butchering, hide processing and hoeing activities.
The aim of this work is to describe progress in the differentiation between the various
kinds of use-wear on polished stone surfaces.
The ultimate objective is to create a reference collection suitable for performing the
use-wear analysis on polished adzes and axes discovered in archaeological contexts.
Particularly, we wish to contribute to the understanding of the role that these tools
played in the different economic and ritual activities of the Neolithic communities
living in the North East of the Iberian Peninsula around the middle of the 5th and 4th
millennium cal. BC