Portafoli i arquitectura de marca a les destinacions turístiques: el cas de l’Empordà

There is no doubt that we live in a world of brands. Graphic images, logos and slogans have significant impacts on our daily lives. The brand portfolios of tourist destinations have been growing in the last years. The objective of this dissertation is to spell out the factors that determine the strategy of the brand portfolio and the brand architecture in tourist destinations. Understanding the organization of this portfolio and the relationships which different entities or brands establish among and outside themselves, constitutes a focus of analysis for destinations. Destinations constitute study entities with specific peculiarities that move away from the rigidity and the parameters of a company. In destinations, brands are born and evolve in different ways and have to reflect all realities. The results of this research include issues related to policy, resources, understanding of the concept of brand, and incapacity to forge alliances between brands and stakeholders ​
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