Del no-res a una primavera bibliogràfica: el valencianisme polític pensat històricament

Rico i Garcia, Antoni
There is, nowadays, a significant volume of historiographical work about Valencianism. However, this collection of books and articles is incomplete and contains important gaps regarding certain historical periods. So, while the past fifty years of history of the Valencianism movement have been studied closely—nearly since its origins—a bibliography of periods prior to the emergence of what is known as “Fusteriansism” (in reference to the writer Joan Fuster) contains considerable gaps. The historical trajectory of Valencianism has been outlined thanks to several literary genres: from biographies and autobiographies to the latest doctoral theses, including historical essays and sociological and political works. Ultimately, it is clear that a lot has been achieved since 1962 in consolidating our knowledge of Valencianism, but there is still much research left to be done ​
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