La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut de les persones amb trastorn mental sever des d'una perspectiva salutogènica i de gènere

Colillas Malet, Ester
Women and Men’s Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) with severe mental disorder (SMD), is a key indicator of its recovery. The aim was to describe the association between different variables with the HRQOL of these people by gender. A cohort study with a five years’ follow-up was carried out. Variables: HRQOL, sociodemographic, clinical, psychosocial functioning, self-perception and SOC. Multivariate linear regression models were calculated. The main explanatory factors that explained the improvement of HRQOL in the period of the study in women were not having a disability, to have the perception that the disease does not entail social consequences, to consider future possibilities and the significance area of SOC and in men, having between 4 to 6 friends, not having disability and to perceive that social relationships and leisure activities had not changed or improved. Conclusion: There are differences between the factors that explain a better QVRS by gender. ​
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