Caracterització i avaluació de l’estat de conservació de les llacunes somes de la Plana Selvatana

Torrell Recasens, Júlia
In the Mediterranean area, ponds and permanent pools are characterized by being a source of high biodiversity, both animal and vegetable. In the case of temporary ponds, the duration of its aquatic phase (or hydroperiod) and its small size, gives them great ecological importance and great specificity. In this study, 63 pools and ponds of La Selva plain have been analysed: 36 temporary ponds and 27 permanent pools. In order to perform its characterization, a file has been filled out detailing the general characteristics of the pool, morphology, hydrology, vegetation and other aspects. The ECELS index (Conservation State of Lentic Ecosystems) has been used in each pool to determine its conservation status and quality level. In addition, a catalogue has also been made with the data collected from each point. A descriptive analysis has been carried out, which has shown that the level of quality that predominates is moderate, followed by good and dry ponds. The most determining factors in the state of conservation have been the emergent vegetation, being the factor with the most favourable contribution, and the hydrophytic vegetation, with the most unfavourable contribution. The relationship between the quality level and socioeconomic factors (population density, agrarian area, etc.) has also been assessed, but no significant correlation has been found. To study whether the largest wealth of herptiles is found in the pools of the best state of conservation, a Pearson correlation test has been performed, but no significant results have been obtained either. The aim of this study is to increase the awareness of the conservation status of permanent pools and temporary ponds of La Selva plain, due to its ecological relevance and the ecosystem services that these habitats can provide. In addition, I want to emphasize the need for active management and the application of conservation measures in the ponds analysed, as most of them don’t have any of these measures and they are variables that significantly increase the quality level of these habitats ​
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