Avaluació de l’ús d’un termiter artificial com a enriquiment ambiental i el seu impacte en el benestar de ximpanzés (Pan troglodytes) en captivitat
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The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is listed as an endangered species, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is currently protected, banning the death, capture and trade of individuals or parts of the body. The primate rescue centers give shelter to individuals who have suffered different abuses giving them a second chance, rehabilitating them socially and ensuring their welfare. Negative experiences during early childhood, for example the absence of the mother, they develop a series of abnormal behaviors, such as stereotypes. Other undesired behaviors are self-directed behaviors (SDB), which are behaviors of very short duration. SDBs are used as indicators of welfare, since they are related to anxiety or tension moments. One of the ways to promote wellbeing and reduce these behaviors in captivity is the implementation of environmental enrichment programs, which provide different environmental stimuli necessary for optimal physical and psychological welfare. In addition, they are provided with opportunities to solve problems like the challenges they would find in freedom.
In this study, we evaluated the effect of an artificial termite mound on the welfare of a group of captive chimpanzees from the Fundació Mona. To do this, the behaviors of individuals have been observed in two conditions: presence of enrichment and absence. Data were collected through two different samplings: Instantaneous Scan Sampling and All-occurrence sampling, from which the relative frequencies of the abnormal, individual and social behaviors observed in the two conditions have been obtained and thus can be compared. Welfare indexes have also been calculated for each situation.
We observed that the participation in the termite mound has been relatively high and a large part of the behaviors that are carried out involved the use of tools. Significant differences have been found between the two conditions: on enrichment days there is an increase of alimentation and a decrease of inactivity. On the other hand, no differences have been found in social behaviors. And as for the abnormal and self-directed behaviors, they decrease significantly in the presence of the termite mound.
Finally, this enrichment is valued as positive because it reduces undesirable behaviors and promotes species-typical behaviors
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