Género e innovación en los nuevos procesos de re-ruralización en España
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In the last decade it has been observed in some areas with good
communication infrastructures and close to urban centers in Spain, a return of young adult
men and women who settle in to develop their own professional projects. This process of
change in rural communities is not exclusive to Spain but is also observed in other rural
areas of Europe. This article examines who is behind the new processes of re-ruralization in
Spain from the analysis of professional projects carried out by young adult educated men
and women, with urban experience. These agents are not gender neutral, so this analytical
category is taken to examine the power relations that underlie these processes, taking into
account the objectives, opportunities and difficulties that each one has at the origin of their
projects. The research has been conducted through in-depth interviews, in order to ascertain
how people give expression to their own experiences. The results confirm the existence
of re-ruralization processes distinguished by innovative and highly professionalized initiatives
developed by women and men whose discourse reveals new forms of inequality and
different power mechanisms