Development of efficient testing methods and cohesive zone models for analyzing fatigue-driven delamination in 3D laminated composite structures
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The overall purpose of this Ph.D. thesis is to contribute to the reliable design of composite structures subjected to fatigue-driven delamination. The aim is motivated by a wish to reduce the amount of experimental testing needed in the dimensioning of real components and to anticipate the mechanical response of layered structures undergoing fatigue delamination.
In order to extend the general applicability of the existing methods, experimental data of 3D delamination propagation has been generated, as well as an efficient identification of the crack propagation direction and an accurate means of calculating the energy release rate in three-dimensional structures have been developed. Moreover, a benchmark test for fatigue-driven 3D crack growth has been used for model validation, and a full characterization, at the coupon level, of the interlaminar properties of the demonstrator material has been performed.
The developed fatigue method provides accurate predictions for the fatigue benchmark tests
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