Taking advantage of autotrophic nitrogen removal: potassium and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater

Johansson, Sara
Increasing awareness on the limited nature of the raw materials for the production of inorganic fertilizer is pushing for a shift from removal to recovery of nutrients from waste streams. In municipal wastewater treatment plants the digested sludge liquor, centrate, is a small but nutrient-rich stream, and to treat it separately is an efficient way to reduce the nutrient load to the main line. This thesis explores the implications of placing partial nitritation-anammox (PNA) at the core of nutrient removal and recovery in side stream. The results of the study showed that PNA as pre-treatment before struvite precipitation allow for the formation of potassium struvite, a mineral that can be returned to fields as fertilizer, and also serves as an efficient CO2 stripper, implying reduced need for alkali addition. It also demonstrated the feasibility of PNA granules to biologically induce the formation of phosphate-rich hydroxyapatite of high purity ​
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