Cultiu in vitro de bangials de la costa catalana

Gómez Ruiz, Celia
The constant increases in nutrients on the Catalan coasts, due to the population growth and industrial activities, have caused the eutrophication of coastal waters and intertidal ecosystems, causing various macroalgae groups to have diminished or even disappeared due to their low resistance to these nutrients, specifically nitrates. On the contrary, it is known that the Bangiaceae family of the Bangiales order, is tolerant to environments that contain a large load of nutrients, and for this reason, they are considered bioindicators of these sites. The objective of this study has been to evaluate, in artificial conditions in the laboratory, the response of two bladed Bangiales, Pyropia elongata and Neothemis ballesterosii, in different nitrates concentration (3 μmol /L and 30 μmol /L ), to observe possible effects on their survival and growth, produced during the monitoring of the gametophytic phase (blade) and the microscopic phase (Conchocelis), respectively. The results, have shown that the laminar phase of P. elongata shows significant differences to the effect of nitrates and survives in high concentrations (30 μmol /L of NO3). By contrast, the blades of N. ballesterosii, have been indifferent to the nitrate concentration of the culture, but have shown more resistance to high nitrates concentrations than P. elongata. The microscopic phase (Conchocelis) of the two species has been positively affected in mediums with 30 μmol/L of NO3, achieving a higher growth rate for N. ballesterosii. Although the two species have an important resistance to contaminated mediums, N. ballesterosii, has greater adaptability to eutrophicated environments. It has been proposed, due to its great resistance and the ability to consume nitrates, the use by cultivating these species, from Costa Brava, in eutrophic waters and the study of its organoleptic properties to confirm its commercial viability in integrated multitrophic aquaculture crops ​
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