Impact of an intervention on proinflammatory agents in asthmatic patients
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Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases among the chronic
respiratory disorders, affecting around 334 million people worldwide.
Exposure to different allergens and irritants has been shown to be a
major source of asthma exacerbations and worsening of asthma
Therefore, apart from the basal treatment, asthmatics can benefit from
other non-pharmacological measures in order to avoid these
proinflammatory agents.
The main purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of an
intervention on proinflammatory agents for asthma exacerbations and
asthma control.
It will be a prospective, multicentre, pragmatical, controlled,
randomized, open-label clinical trial.
Patients enrolled in this study will be randomized in two groups. The
intervention group (n=124) will have an intervention in order to avoid
proinflammatory agents and another intervention to improve
treatment adherence, whereas the control group (n=124) will only have
an intervention to improve treatment adherence.
We defined the primary outcome as the time to the first severe asthma
exacerbation. Secondary outcomes will be number of exacerbations,
time to the moderate exacerbation, changes in asthma quality-of-life
and asthma control questionnaires, forced expiratory volume in 1
second (FEV1), Oxid Nitric Exhalated (eNO), use of relief medication and
treatment adherence.
Adults with a previous diagnostic of asthma, who had suffered ≥1
asthma exacerbation in the last year.
Asthma, asthma exacerbation, environmental measures, allergens,