Population range expansions, with mathematical applications to interacting systems and ancient human genetics

The thesis studies from an analytical and computational perspective, and by using reaction-diffusion equations, the spatiotemporal evolution of different populations. First, the dynamics of the T7 bacteriophage infecting the E. coli bacteria is studied. By adding the delayed time in diffusion and reaction terms, as well as new mathematical terms biologically sound, we can achieve results that accurately match the experimental propagation speeds. Secondly, different mathematical models are proposed to correctly understand the expansion of VSV in Glioblastoma. The only model capable of this explanation is the system which understands the delay time for the processes of diffusion and reaction. Finally, the Neolithic transition through Europe is explained by studying ancient genetic DNA samples alongside mathematical simulations. Focusing on haplogroup K, the model is built by analyzing the two Neolithic diffusion mechanisms: demic and cultural. The simulations show that the transition is basically demic, with only 2% of the Neolithic farmers interacting culturally ​
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