Resolvd - renewable penetration levered by efficient low voltage distribution grids: specifcations and use case analysis

The paper presents the RESOLVD (Renewable penetration levered by efficient low voltage distribution grids) project, which aims to improve the efficiency and the hosting capacity of distribution networks in a context of highly distributed renewable generation by introducing flexibility (storage management) and control in the low voltage (LV) grid. The analysis methodology - which follows the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) framework paradigm- is presented, along with the identified use cases and actors. The proposed initial architecture is also presented, as derived from the use case analysis process together with a cybersecurity analysis of integration and interoperability issues. The research is being motivated by business models and the expected impacts are summarized in the paper ​
​Tots els drets reservats. Reproduït amb el permís de l'AIM (Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore), un dels organitzadors de les conferències biennals CIRED (International conference on Electricity Distribution