Identificació de gens i processos rellevants pel fel·lema i la suberina usant noves aproximacions

The periderm is a complex structure that protects plants’ secondary organs and wounded tissues. This function is given by the phellem, a multilayered tissue formed by cells with suberized cell walls located on the outer part of the periderm. Suberin is a basic polymer for protection thanks to its lipid nature. Exceptionally, the cork oak has a great capacity to produce layers of phellem. Recently, transcriptomics studies, as well as reverse genetic approaches, have contributed to the knowledge of the formation and regulation of the periderm and the synthesis and transport of the suberin components. However, the molecular bases that control these processes are still quite unknown. For this reason, new regulatory and transport candidate genes have been characterized. In addition, a faster and less expensive roots transformation system has been developed. Finally, a global transcriptome analysis of the outer bark of cork oak during its growth has been performed ​
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