Sintaxis neuronal y sintaxis lingüística. Implementación cerebral de las estructuras sintácticas
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We discover properties of language in the light of independent knowledge of the brain and the mind. We will review brain structures and connections on a large scale; the activity, in the form of brain oscillations, that characterizes them; the way which these rhythms can interact and the mechanisms that they can provide; and how they are used by the main operations into which higher level cognitive domains can be decomposed. Finally, in such a context, language is then implemented and integrated, conceived in a non-modular nor specific way, so that its key operations reuse neutral mechanisms that also characterize consciousness, memory, attention, or the executive control system. Therefore, the linguistic structure can be followed from the interactions of oscillations, and both the principles of language and its constrictions can arise from the functions and limits in the generation and sustenance of certain oscillatory patterns
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