"Pseudonoble, pseudoestudiant, pseudopolonès, pseudoexiliat, pseudoescriptor, pseudointel·lectual i pseudoprovocador". La recepció de l'obra literària de Witold Gombrowicz a Espanya en textos escollits (1968-2014)
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This doctoral thesis analyzes the reception of the literary works of Polish novelist and playwright Witold Gombrowicz in Spain. The period of analysis begins with the first edition in Spain of a work by Gombrowicz, Pornography (The seduction) in the translation of Gabriel Ferrater, and finishes in 2014 when the intimate diary Kronos, the last work of Gombrowicz, is published. Based on Reception Theory and Polysystem Theory and thanks to the reading and analysis of the correspondence of Witold Gombrowicz with his family, the translators of his works, the editors and collaborators, of the censorship reports of the works of Gombrowicz, documentation of public and private archives, articles of academic character, press articles and other materials and with the help of personal interviews with Rita Gombrowicz and Salvador Clotas, it was possible to describe the process of introduction and subsequent reception of the works of Gombrowicz in the Spanish and Catalan literary system
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