WNT5A, SFRP5 y CRTC3: nuevas adipocinas relacionadas con la obesidad en la edad pediátrica

Soriano Rodríguez, Pilar
WNT5A is a protein with proinflammatory properties recently related to insulin resistance. It is believed that this protein might be regulated by SFRP5, which sequesters WNT5A exerting its anti-inflammatory actions and preventing the onset of insulin resistance. Recently, it has been reported that both proteins can be secreted by the adipose tissue. CRTC3 is another protein expressed by the adipose tissue which plays important roles in energy metabolism. Recently, it has been reported that CRTC3 is associated with the development of obesity. It is known that adipose tissue plays important roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis by secreting a number of molecules into the circulation. In this work, we will study the secretion of WNT5A, SFRP5 and CRTC3 by the adipose tissue in relation to obesity and cardiovascular risk markers in healthy children. To this end, the study population consisted of 211 asymptomatic Caucasian children (103 boys and 108 girls) enrolled in a longitudinal study of cardiovascular risk factors. These children were recruited among those seen within a setting of preventive medicine. A longitudinal study was also performed in 130 children included in the cross-sectional study. All subjects underwent anthropometric and clinical examination and a blood sample was used to quantify the study parameters, including WNT5A, SFRP5 and CRTC3. We also obtained biopsies of visceral adipose tissue from 12 additionally children (10 boys and 2 girls) who underwent surgical procedures which were unrelated to the study. These biopsies were used ex vivo to study the secretion of WNT5A, SFRP5 and CRTC3 by the adipose tissue ​
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