Desgaste profesional en el personal sanitario y su relación con los factores personales y ambientales
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High rates of professional burnout syndrome have
been found among health service professionals. Our objective
was to study the prevalence of burnout syndrome in hospital
health workers and to determine its relationship with personal
and environmental factors.
Methods: A total of 2290 health workers from five hospitals
in the province of Girona (Spain) were invited to participate.
Interviewees were given a specifically designed questionnaire,
a questionnaire on organizational climate, and the Spanish
version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, which includes three
scales: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced
personal accomplishment.
Results: Responses were received from 1095 health workers
(a response rate of 47.8%). A high level of emotional exhaustion
was found in 41.6% of staff members, especially
among doctors and nurses; a high level of depersonalization
was found in 23%, mainly among doctors, and reduced personal
accomplishment was found in 27.9%, mainly among technicians
and doctors. Multiple logistic regression revealed that
a high level of emotional exhaustion was associated with frequent
consumption of tranquilizers or antidepressants, whereas
optimism and job satisfaction showed an inverse association.
The variables that were inversely associated with a
high level of depersonalization were the number of years in
the profession, optimism, evaluation of work as being useful
and the perception of being valued by others. Reduced personal
accomplishment was also inversely associated with optimism,
satisfaction with the usefulness of one’s work, and satisfaction
with teamwork.
Conclusions: In view of the results obtained, to reduce professional
burnout in hospitals, optimism and a sense of selfworth
among individuals should be encouraged and the organizational
environment should be improved