Ruthenium aqua complexes containing N- and C-donor polypyridilic ligands as catalysts for photocatalytic alcohol oxidation in mild conditions
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It is well known that ruthenium complexes have particular chemical
properties which make them singular. In this work, we report different type
of complexes and its usefulness in different scientific areas. We have
choosen two type of known chloro- and aquo- polypyridyl ruthenium
complexes to synthesize, which have N-donor and C-donor ligands,
respectively, leading to the complex distinct chemical, electrochemical and
spectrometric properties. The chloro complexes are the precursors aquo
complexes which we have evaluated the photooxidative activity.
We have followed a described procedure to obtain our desired complexes
and we have designed a new synthetic pathway with the aim to optimize
and improve the known synthetic route. The products of these routes were
evaluated by electrochemical and spectrometric techniques and we have
compared the differences between the two type of complexes and the
differences of the isomers of each complexes. The photocathalytic
evaluation was employed with two types of aquocomplexes with the same
conditions and the same substrates with the aim to obtain a carbonyl group
from an alcohol of each substrate, and figure out a relationship between the
complex structure and the photocatalytic activity