Creative economy and sustainable human development: a theoretical approach for convergences and divergences
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The thesis relates the ‘creative economy’ with the ‘sustainable human development’, tracing a parallel between economic growth (e.g. GDP) and human development (e.g. HDI). The aspect of sustainability is addressed through the potential dematerialization of production and immaterialization of consumption, offering the ‘creative industries’ as one of the candidates to convey both – together with services and ICTs. Communications technologies are shown, by the way, partially as the source of the communicational capital: sometimes implemented at universities and companies in a very human mode, but sometimes constituted as automata economicus – artificially intelligent machines able to create wealth in an independent and creative way. Also, the thesis approaches the Girona’s creative economy, interested on how both the University of Girona and its Science and Technology Park may participate in such matter. The bond between the University and the creative economy is analyzed further by the case of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and its departments – focusing its School of Communications and Arts. It is suggested that Girona, more than exclusively investing to get more creative industries, may also present itself as a managerial contractor to the creative sectors – eventually adopting the broader concept of the ‘experience economy’ by the Scandinavian perspective. Finally, the thesis recalls for the centrality of persons to the economy, relativizing the power of economics and its impersonal paraphernalia
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