Incidencia de la reputación online en la ocupación y rentabilidad hotelera: estudios de caso en Latinoamérica
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Purpose: To prove the incidence of online reputation in the occupation and profitability of hotels in Latin America.
Methodology: Based on the information provided by the Hotel Chain GHL, financial and online reputation variables were analyzed.
• It was shown that when the Global Review Index increases by one unit, RevPAR grows by 0.49%, keeping the rest of the variables constant.
• OTA are the means that make the greatest number of reservations. It was also found that when the number of reservations in the OTA increases, the probability that the hotel receives a reservation through its website increases.
• The hotels most in demand by the MICE segment are those located in the zone determined by COTELCO as Zone Calle 93 - Calle 100. Confirming the Bleasure trend in Bogotá.
• Recommendations were presented to improve the online reputation of hotels.
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