Payasas y xoxo clown show: marcos teóricos, metodológicos y epistemológicos de una investigación social y artística = Female clowns and the Cunt Clown Show: theoretical, methodological and epistemological frameworks of a social and artistic research projec

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The article examines the place and function that the artistic project "Cunt Clown Show" has had within the framework of the research "Female Clowns: Herstories, Bodies and Ways of Representing Comicality from a Gender Perspective". To do so, there is a brief presentation of the research, with an overview of its methodological and epistemological frameworks: feminist research, artistic research and arts-based research. The article then presents the synopses, objectives and other relevant information with respect to the Cunt Clown Show. The reflections on this project provide the basis for an artistic research conducted within a broader framework of feminist research and social arts-based research. The artistic and academic projects feed each other in an enriching process of interchange between critical exercise, theoretical systemization and the artistic practice of bringing the show to the stage ​
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