Emociones positivas y educación de la convivencia escolar: contribución de la expresión motriz cooperativa

Sáez de Ocáriz, Unai
Lavega, Pere
Mateu, Mercè
Rovira, Glòria
One key aspect of physical education is to improve coexistence among schoolchildren. The experience of positive or negative emotions in motor situations is directly related to education of interpersonal relationships. This study examined emotional experiences elicited in cooperative situations in which motor expression took place. A sample of 81 students (Mean Age = 21.05, SD = 2.06, 22 girls and 59 boys) from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (University of Barcelona) participated in this study. The validated game and emotions scale (GES) was used. After each activity, students assessed the intensity of thirteen emotions and explained the causes of the most intense emotion. The study used mixed methods, whereby qualitative data complemented quantitative data. The results confirmed the impact of motor expression on positive experiences ​
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