HRM 4 Innovation: from determinants to performance. Essays from the Spanish context
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Human resource (HR) practices are possible contributors to a firm’s success. There is a
pressing need for empirical research that addresses how HR practices contribute to a
company’s ability to be creative and innovative. Thus, the aim of this thesis focuses on mapping the adoption of training and development practices for creativity and innovation (TD4CI) in Spanish manufacturing firms. It also analyses the most influential determinants of implementin these HR practices. Furthermore, it sudies the impact that TD$CI have on a company’s Innovative and financial performance. Last, the elements which make up high-performnce work systems are studied, considerin the best combinations for better firm performance. The empirical evidence is based on the 2012 and 2015 rounds of the Spanish subsample of the European Manufacturing Survey. The value of this thesis lies in its offering recent and relevant figures and data regarding the implementation of TD4CI and their relation with performance.
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