Social exclusion and eudaimonic well-being: a children's perspective

The main objective is to explore eudaimonic well-being (PWB) and social exclusion from children’s and adolescents’ perspective and the associations between these constructs and with other related ones such as hedonic well-being (SWB). The sample comes from the international project Children’s Worlds (19,212 children aged 12) and a project carried out in Girona province (940 participants aged 9 to17). When socially excluded, there is a high risk of low PWB, and this could also indicate low SWB. To this extent, it is important to not only detect the risk factors that point to social exclusion, but also highlight them as protective resources that could face exclusion. To conclude, if the aim is to keep track of the progress made in reducing social exclusion and increasing eudaimonic well-being, an assessment of social exclusion and eudaimonic well-being is needed. This thesis is providing tools on how to do that. ​
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