La piel quemada y la cuestión de la inmigración interior durante el franquismo

In 1964, the Franco dictatorship implemented the Development plans that placed the tourist phenomenon as an essential element. The development of the tourism industry was accompanied by strong internal migration and it was constituted as an illusion of false modernization. La piel quemada, directed by Josep Maria Forn, is one of the few movies that gather these tensions. Forn speaks about the immigration and the inequalities between the North and the South of Spain, but also about sexual repression and the mystification of a possible conquest of freedom generated by the tourism. Amongst these themes the debate arises on a new Catalan identity that began developing in those years. Since then, such a debate on the different cultures that make up today’s Catalonia has only grown in relevance: 50 years after its realisation, La piel quemada manages to speak from the past to the present ​
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