Response of composite laminates under out-of-plane loading

The objective of the thesis is to provide scaling tool predicting the response of composite structures under out-of-plane loading by testing small coupons. This global objective cannot be achieved without understanding the damage mechanisms and their sequences in composite laminates under out-of-plane loading. The objective of the thesis is achieved by considering three different sub-objectives. The first sub-objective is focusing on understanding the damage mechanisms and their sequences in composite laminates made of different ply thicknesses. The second sub-objective focuses on understanding the influence of the laminate design parameters, mismatch angle between plies and ply thickness, on the response of composite laminates under out-of-plane loading.In the third sub-objective, the contact problem of a stiff spherical indenter with a composite plate was simulated with a 2D axisymmetric model implemented on a commercial software.Finally, the scaling tool to predict the response of composite structures under out-ofplane loading is implemented in two steps ​
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