Mejora de la capacitación en violencia de género del personal de enfermería de atención primaria: proyecto de investigación

Zambrana Soriano, Javier
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a great Public Health problem. Nowadays, many women are GBV victims. In Spain, it still exists the patriarchy culture, in which the man has the main economic and decisive power in the familiar core, the woman, instead, gets left behind in second term. Abused women are regular users in the Health System, and it is for that reason that Health Personnel have a big responsibility in detecting and acting in cases of GBV. An early detection could let us to realize an early actuation. Most abused women, come almost once in their lives to an emergency room or Primary Attention Centre. Nursing Consulting Room in Primary Attention is an ideal place for an early-detection and intervention with women in abuse situations because of its accessibility and privacy. The Community Nurse is one of the Health Staff which is most in contact with the user, so it helps to create a confident relation that can allow an early-detection in cases of GBV. Nevertheless, most nurses have a bad self-perception of their knowledges in order to approach a GBV case, so it is fully necessary to realize formation programs in which their background and attitudes can be improved to be able to give an efficient health response. Objectives: To identify the improvement of knowledges and approaching about GBV victims by nursing Primary Attention professionals with a formative program and to analyse the variables that affect in the detection and approaching of GBV cases. Material and methods: a quasi-experimental Pre-Post study will be done. The elected sample will be each nursing professionals from ABS (in Spanish, Basic Health Area) Lloret and ABS Girona that satisfy the inclusion criteria and accept to participate in the study. The instruments used will be an Ad-Hoc questionnaire and the Spanish version of the PREMIS questionnaire. It will be used the program SPSS V23 in order to analyse the qualitative and quantitative variables ​
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