Educació en adolescents sobre la diversitat sexual i identitat de gènere: revisió bibliogràfica
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Introduction: Sexuality is a taboo subject in today’s society, even though the amount of
information we are exposed, it is usually biased and not very reliable. Especially when it
comes to talk about sexual diversity and gender identity. This information it is mediated with
prejudice, favouring that in society and particularly between adolescent’s, homophobia can
Objective: The main objective of this review is to describe if there are any prejudices
related to sexual diversity and gender identity, which triggers homophobia among
Methods: In order to achieve the objective, has been done a literature review that has
been carried out between January and February of 2018, in which there has been selected
articles of the past 5 years. Using the database Pubmed Medline, Dialnet, Medline Pro-Quest
and PsycNet.
490 articles were located, after which applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18
were selected, finally 12 articles were the ones chosen for the literature review.
Results: After an intensive reading of a variety of articles, it was described that there
were prejudices that lead to homophobia where males prevailed its dominance. By age, the
older the adolescent the more predisposed to have prejudices towards sexual diversity and
gender identity. And finally, the most-mentioned prejudices were due to preconceived ideas
about gender roles, religion or morals.
Conclusions: With the results obtained, it was concluded that among teenagers there
are prejudices related to sexual diversity and gender identity, which often lead to
homophobia. For this reason, it is important as nurses and with other guilds, with an holistic
view, to inform and educate adolescents or even younger population about this topic, in order
to influence the prejudices, they may have and this try to avoid homophobia