Associació entre l'esquizofrènia i l'addicció al tabac: revisió bibliogràfica

Méndez Pérez, Marta
Background: Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects to more than 21 million people around the world. It is a very stigmatized pathology and the people who suffer it are at greater risk of being victims of a violation of human rights. Tobacco is one of the main risk factors for various chronic diseases. Even so, its consumption is widespread around the world. It has been seen that the prevalence of tobacco use in schizophrenia is higher than in the general population and that up to 75% of these patients smoke daily. The high comorbidity between schizophrenia and addiction to tobacco has led many researchers to study and look for possible determinants that cause this relationship. Objective: To study, based on scientific evidence, if there is an association between schizophrenia and addiction to tobacco that explains the high incidence of the habit in these patients. Methods: The methodology has been a bibliographic review, a systematic compilation of the most recent information published in the last 10 years, following the methodology proposed by the PRISMA protocol. An online search has been made in the following databases: Cochrane Library, Dialnet Plus, SciELO, Virtual Health Library (BVS), Medline Pubmed and SCOPUS. Results: Finally, it has been selected a total of 15 articles. From them it has been obtained causal hypotheses of the association, such as the theory of self-medication, the dopaminergic theory and social factors. And also, the consequences of long-term consumption and the effect of this on the treatment of schizophrenics. Conclusions: Dependence on smoking is more intense among individuals with schizophrenia in relation to the general population. Several hypotheses suggest that the use of nicotine has beneficial aspects in some areas of symptomatology. However, social factors and the social vulnerability of schizophrenics play a very important role in the high dependency of the habit among these patients. Nurses become a fundamental part of the professional team, as they accompany and closely know the behavior of the patient ​
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