Disminución de la ansiedad y el estrés preoperatorio en niños pendientes de intervención quirúrgica: proyecto de investigación
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Surgery is an essential specialty in pediatric care. Several factors have been
described that may influence preoperative anxiety and stress, and may cause serious
consequences for the child during the intervention and/or during the postoperative
period. Because of the negative effects of anxiety and preoperative pediatric stress,
doctors, nurses and researchers have tried to apply different types of
pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to reduce its prevalence in
the pediatric population that requires some type of surgical intervention.
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of an informative and distracting
intervention during the preoperative period to reduce stress and anxiety as well as
the relationship between the intervention and pharmacological therapy in pediatric
patients pending surgical intervention. In relation to the methodology, it is an
experimental study of a quantitative design clinical trial type, with a longitudinal
temporality and a prospective sense that will be carried out in a reference hospital
equipped with pediatric surgery. The participants will be pediatric patients who are
awaiting a scheduled surgical intervention. The sample will be obtained through
consecutive non-probabilistic sampling and will be composed of a total of 100
children, of whom 50% will receive an intervention to reduce preoperative anxiety
and stress and the other 50% will be treated routinely. A non-pharmacological,
informative and distracting intervention will be performed through a Tablet and the
determination of a series of dependent variables, as well as the determination of
salivary cortisol and the determination of the value in the mYPAS scale (modified
Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale). The statistical analysis will be carried out with the
statistical package SPSS version 22 (SPSS, version 22.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA)