Detección y reducción del consumo de alcohol en el embarazo: proyecto de investigación
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Theoretical frame: As of today, there are numerous of studies that inform that the consumption of alcohol during the pregnancy causes serious problems, for the mother and as well for the child, causing alterations at facial level, the behavioral level and in learning processes. In Spain, the range of age in which is more consume of alcohol is between 35 - 44 years, what is a percentage of 65, 5 %. In Catalonia, nowadays the consumption of alcohol is very present in the pregnancy: 40 % of women consumes in the first quarter and 17 % continues doing it in the rest of the pregnancy.
Aims: The principal aims of the project are to know the prevalence of pregnant women who consume alcohol and to study the effectiveness of a motivational intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in pregnant woman. In addition, we will know the behavior of these women in relation to conducts of risk and towards of alcohol and reduce the consumption of alcohol in these women or obtain the abstinence in this gestation period.
Methodology: The project presents a first phase with transversal design and a second phase with quasi-experimental analytical design. The chronology will be prospective with quantitative methodology. The population based to study are pregnant women who are doing the monitoring with the midwives in the ABS (Basic Area of Health) of Girona 1, 2, 3 and 4. A sample not probalistic of convenience will be chosen to carry out the project. The variables that will be studied are the sociodemographics variables and the behavioral variables related with alcohol. In order to study them, a questionnaire will be provided with open and closed questions. The authorization of the women will be requested from the CAP (Center of Primary Care) and from the CEIC (Ethical Committee of Clinical Investigation) to be able to realize them. The questionnaire will be done supporting the confidentiality and in an anonymous way. The obtained information Statistical Package will be analyzed according to the nature of the variable trough the statistical package IBM - for the Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0 by the system Windows
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