How influences the migration and acculturation processes in attitudes and changes in behaviour regarding feminine genital mutilation
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Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) comprises all procedures that involve partial
or total removal of female external genitalia and/or injury to the female genital organs
for cultural or any other nontherapeutic reasons. FGM/C is practiced in 28 African
countries and in some nations in Asia and the Middle East. As a result of international
migration, FGM/C is a global problem and is not limited to any cultural or religious
groups. FGM reflects a deep rooted inequality between the sexes and can be seen as
extreme discrimination against women and girls and, not only this, it also causes
serious physical, mental, sexual and social consequences. For this reason, in June
1993 the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights agreed that FGM was a violation
of Human Rights. The different European communities have developed a set of
weapons to address the issue and try to eradicate the problem.
The main aim of the present study is to evaluate if there is a difference in attitudes and
changes in behaviour regarding Feminine Genital Mutilation in immigrant mutilated
women who have lived in the region of Girona for more than two years compared to
those who have lived here for less than two years.
This study design will be an observational, cross sectional and muticentric study. It will
be performed in “Can Gibert del Pla” and “CAP de Salt” which will takes part of the
study during a period of 6 months.
The population of the study will be every immigrant mutilated women from any of the
28 African countries at risk of FGM who come to the primary care centre, independent
of the reason for visiting.
A non-probabilistic consecutive sampling will be used in this study. We will use a
questionnaire to collect the information
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