[Ressenya de les] Primeres Jornades de Geografia i Urbanisme (Girona, 19 i 20 de maig de 1994)

During de last mai, the 19th and 20th, the Unitat de Geografia de la Universitat de Girona, the delegation in Girona of the CoLlegi &Arquitectes de Catalunya and the Pla de Ciutat de Girona organizated de ((1st Jornades de Geografia and Urbanisme)) in the city of Girona. The contents of the debates were centred. the first dav,., on the new models of territow functional organization amb forms to planning, by G. Dematteis from Torino and F. Indovina from Venice. The second day contents an analisys of concrete cases: the Pla de Ciutat de Girona, the strategic plan of the city, and the Territorial Plan of the metropolitan area of Barcelona ​
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