Gabinetes de comunicación del Sistema de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación: el puente que cruza la I+D para llegar a los medios = Department of Communication of the Science, Technology and Innovation System: the bridge that crosses I + D + i to reach the media
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This article, an exploratory-descriptive study,
focus on a key element in the journalistic diffusion
of the work of the executing agents of the
Spanish System of Science, Technology and
Innovation, such as universities and public
organizations: the communication departments.
These have emerged in recent decades
and generate scientific and technological
information likely to be the subject of media
coverage. It formulates questions and offers
answers on this type of departements in the
field of the external communication with the
rule of the 6ws of the journalistic profession.
It establishes its particularities and singularities
in aspects such as news values, press
releases or press conferences, which are explained
by the type of information with which
they work, specialized and, within it, scientific
and technological. The article analyzes their
relationship with two elements involved in
the content that disseminate to the media:
the research staff that generates the subjetc
and the journalist who receives and prepares it for the media. The article proposes good
practices to follow in his role as intermediary
between both, in which professional respect
and understanding of the differences and similarities
between the scientific and journalistic
world must prevail