Bond behavior of NSM FRP strips in concrete under sustained loading

The main objective of work has been to study the bond strength and bond-slip response of NSM CFRP strips in concrete when subjected to sustained loading under different environmental conditions. To this end, two experimental campaigns have been carried out. In the first campaign, the tensile creep behavior of epoxy adhesive specimens when subjected to different levels of sustained loading, temperature and humidity has been investigated. In the second campaign, the long-term bond behaviour of NSM CFRP strips in concrete has been studied, by using single-shear pull out concrete blocks strengthened with NSM CFRP strips. Different sustained load levels, bonded lengths, groove widths, temperature and humidity have been considered. The experimental results have been reported and discussed. Moreover, a simplified analytical methodology simulating the time-dependent bond-slip response of NSM CFRP strips in concrete has been presented. The experimental data have been compared to predictions obtained with the proposed methodology ​
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